Rankings 2018-2023
The six fastest teams of the 6th SOLA Basel (3 june 2023):
Teams of 10
1. LC Basel 1 (5:13:00)
2. no cross, no crown (5:28:37)
3. Eat Pasta, Run Fasta (5:32:37)
4. OLV Baselland 2 (5:37:29)
5. Team T2RIFF 0 (5:46:11)
6. Team Podestplatz (5:47:01)
Teams of 5
1. quack-attack (3:28:24)
2. Chocolate Chaser (3:28:40)
3. Afghan Guys (3:30:16)
4. Solvias (3:36:16)
5. Rössligässler (3:44:16)
6. MilvusMilvus (3:50:52)

The six fastest teams of the 5th SOLA Basel (21. Mai 2022):
1. OLV Baselland (5:07:46)
2. Eat Pasta, Run Fasta (5:27:55)
3. LC Basel 1 (5:30:21)
4. Was mä het, het mä! (5:37:07)
5. no cross, no crown (5:52:55)
6. STV Sempach (5:57:23)

The six fastest teams of the 4th SOLA Basel (October 23, 2021):
1. Migos-iMpuls (5:06:47)
2. LC Basel (5:12:06)
3. OLV Baselland 1 (5:29:55)
4. Ladies First (5:31:17)
5. Catch us if you can (5:31:51)
6. Sportstudis + Rüssbüehl (5:38:37)

The six most active teams at the virtual SOLA Basel (14 May – 6 June 2020). Number of participations per team over all ten routes in brackets:
1. 🌲🌲🌲 (145)
2. Sympany (99)
3. Bootys and Beasts (72)
4. TSV Galgenen (51)
5. Vivobarefoot (44)
6. Speedys (39)

The six fastest teams of the 2nd SOLA Basel (25 May 2019). Note changed route 8 and 9:
1. Indurance.ch Racing (5:07:05)
2. OLV Baselland I (5:11:53)
3. LC Basel (5:26:37)
4. LSVB Uno (5:27:58)
5. SIV & friends (5:33:02)
6. Olympic Spirit (5:46:16)

The six fastest teams of the 1st SOLA Basel (2 June 2018):
1. OLV Baselland I (5:13:07)
2. LRG Selection (5:40:05)
3. LC Basel (5:49:58)
4. LSVB Uno-Team (5:51:47)
5. Last minute (5:56:36)
6. OLV Baselland II (6:03:35)